The study doesn't just identify problems - it proposes solutions as well; five of them, to be exact:
- Repeal Section 301(c) of the Copyright Act - this is the section that enacts the 2067 barrier as expained above.
- Decriminalise the use and copying of orphaned works - which are works for which no rightsholders can be determined.
- Bring US copyright terms in line with European ones - a maximum of 50-75 years. The study discovered that an additional 22% of US historical recordings are available in Europe, but not in the US, due to shorter copyright terms in Europe.
- Third parties should be able to re-issue abandoned works without permission from rightsholders - as long as those rightsholders are properly compensated.
- Libraries should be allowed to more easily copy and share material within the library and between other libraries, and restrictions on quality of the copies should be removed.